picaxe.cl_utils (module)

Documentation for picaxe can be found here: http://picaxe.readthedocs.org/en/stable

picaxe init picaxe auth [-s <pathToSettingsFile>] picaxe md <urlOrPhotoid> [<width>] [-s <pathToSettingsFile>] picaxe albums [-s <pathToSettingsFile>] picaxe [-giop] upload <imagePath> [–title=<title> –tags=<tags> –desc=<desc> –album=<album>] picaxe [-op] grab [–title=<title> –tags=<tags> –desc=<desc> –album=<album> –delay=<sec>]

init setup the polygot settings file for the first time auth authenticate picaxe against your flickr account md generate the MD reference link for the image in the given flickr URL albums list all the albums in the flickr account upload upload a local image to flickr

<pathToSettingsFile> path to the picaxe settings file <urlOrPhotoid> the flickr URL or photoid <width> pixel width resolution of the linked image. Default original. [75|100|150|240|320|500|640|800|1024|1600|2048] <imagePath> path to the local image to upload to flickr

 the image title
--tags=<tags> quoted, comma-sepatated tags
--desc=<desc> image description
--delay=<sec> the delay time before screen-grab selection tool appears
-p, --public make the image public (private by default)
-o, --open open the image in the flickr web-app once uploaded
-i, --image “photo” is an image
-g, --screenGrab
 “photo” is a screengrab
-h, --help show this help message
-v, --version show version
-s, --settings the settings file

The main function used when ``cl_utils.py`` is run as a single script from the cl, or when installed as a cl command