Source code for picaxe.picaxe

# encoding: utf-8
work with the Flickr API to upload images, sort images, generate MD image reference links etc.

import sys
import os
import re
import time
from os.path import expanduser
import requests
import yaml
import webbrowser
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1

from fundamentals import tools

[docs]class picaxe(): """ *work with the Flickr API to upload images, sort images, generate MD image reference links etc* **Key Arguments:** - ``log`` -- logger - ``settings`` -- the settings dictionary - ``pathToSettingsFile`` -- path to the settings file """ # Initialisation
[docs] def __init__( self, log, settings=False, pathToSettingsFile=False ): self.log = log log.debug("instansiating a new 'picaxe' object") self.settings = settings self.pathToSettingsFile = pathToSettingsFile # xt-self-arg-tmpx # Initial Actions if "flickr" not in self.settings or not self.settings["flickr"] or "oauth_token" not in self.settings["flickr"] or "oauth_token_secret" not in self.settings["flickr"]: print "You need to authenticate picaxe against your Flickr account before you can proceed ..." self.authenticate() consumer_key = str(self.settings["flickr"]["consumer_key"]) consumer_secret = str(self.settings["flickr"]["consumer_secret"]) oauth_token = str(self.settings["flickr"]["oauth_token"]) oauth_token_secret = str(self.settings["flickr"]["oauth_token_secret"]) self.auth = OAuth1(consumer_key, consumer_secret, oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, signature_method=u'HMAC-SHA1', signature_type=u'AUTH_HEADER') return None
[docs] def authenticate(self): """ *setup a Flickr API key to access a Flickr user account so picaxe can work on private images* **Return:** - ``None`` **Usage:** To authenicate pixace against a Flickr account run the following (note this is interactive so a human needs to be present to respond to prompts!) .. code-block:: python from picaxe import picaxe flickrClient = picaxe( log=log, settings=settings ) flickrClient.authenticate() """'starting the ``authenticate`` method') if not self.settings["flickr"] or "consumer_key" not in self.settings["flickr"] or "consumer_secret" not in self.settings["flickr"]: print "Navigate here <> and request a 'non-commerial key'" time.sleep(2) # open in webbrowser webbrowser.open_new_tab( "") consumer_key = raw_input("What is your new API key value? \n > ") consumer_secret = raw_input( "What is your new API secret value? \n > ") else: consumer_key = str(self.settings["flickr"]["consumer_key"]) consumer_secret = str(self.settings["flickr"]["consumer_secret"]) auth = OAuth1(consumer_key, consumer_secret) try: response = requests.get( url="", params={ "oauth_callback": "", }, auth=auth ) except requests.exceptions.RequestException: print('HTTP Request failed') oauthList = response.content.split("&") oauth_token = str(oauthList[1].split("=")[1]) oauth_token_secret = str(oauthList[2].split("=")[1]) print "Now to authorize picaxe against your personal flickr account" print "Navigate to" + oauth_token + " and click on 'OK, I'LL AUTHOURIZE IT'" time.sleep(1) webbrowser.open_new_tab( "" + oauth_token) oauth_verifier = raw_input( "What is the oauth_verifier value in URL you where redirected to? \n > ") oauth_verifier = str(oauth_verifier.strip()) auth = OAuth1(consumer_key, consumer_secret, oauth_token, oauth_token_secret) try: response = requests.get( url="", params={ "oauth_verifier": oauth_verifier, "oauth_callback": "" }, auth=auth ) except requests.exceptions.RequestException: print('HTTP Request failed') oauthList = response.content.split("&") oauth_token = oauthList[1].split("=")[1] oauth_token_secret = oauthList[2].split("=")[1] user_nsid = oauthList[3].split("=")[1] username = oauthList[4].split("=")[1] if not self.pathToSettingsFile: self.pathToSettingsFile = expanduser( "~") + "/.config/picaxe/picaxe.yaml" stream = file(self.pathToSettingsFile, 'r') yamlContent = yaml.load(stream) stream.close() yamlContent["flickr"] = {} yamlContent["flickr"]["consumer_key"] = consumer_key yamlContent["flickr"]["consumer_secret"] = consumer_secret yamlContent["flickr"]["oauth_token"] = oauth_token yamlContent["flickr"]["oauth_token_secret"] = oauth_token_secret yamlContent["flickr"]["user_nsid"] = user_nsid yamlContent["flickr"]["username"] = username stream = file(self.pathToSettingsFile, 'w') yaml.dump(yamlContent, stream, default_flow_style=False) stream.close()'completed the ``authenticate`` method') return None
[docs] def get_photo_metadata( self, url): """*get useful image metadata for the image found at a give Flickr share URL* **Key Arguments:** - ``url`` -- the share URL for the flickr image (or just the unique photoid) **Return:** - ``images`` -- a dictionary of the various image sizes that can be accessed (key is the width in pixels and value is the direct image URL) - ``title`` -- the title of the image as set by the user - ``desc`` -- the description of the image as set by the user - ``photoId`` -- the unique photoID of the image **Usage:** To get some associated metadata related to the image at a given Flcikr share URL run the `get_photo_metadata` method. Note the URL can be any of the various Flickr URL flavours. .. code-block:: python from picaxe import picaxe flickr = picaxe( log=log, settings=settings ) images, title, desc, photoId = flickr.get_photo_metadata( url="") images, title, desc, photoId= flickr.get_photo_metadata( url="") images, title, desc, photoId = flickr.get_photo_metadata( url="") images, title, desc, photoId = flickr.get_photo_metadata( url=30455210056) """'starting the ``get_photo_metadata`` method') photoid = None if "flic" not in url and "/" not in url: photoid = url.strip() elif "" in url: base58 = url.split("/")[-1] alphabet = '123456789abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ' base_count = len(alphabet) photoid = 0 multi = 1 base58 = base58[::-1] for char in base58: photoid += multi * alphabet.index(char) multi = multi * base_count else: regex = re.compile( r'http(s)?\:\/\/www\.flickr\.com/photos/[^/]*/(?P<photoid>\d*)(/)?', re.S) matchObject = regex.match(url) if not matchObject: response = requests.get(url) matchObject = regex.match(response.url) if not matchObject: if response.history: for resp in response.history: matchObject = regex.match(resp.url) if matchObject: break if not matchObject: self.log.error( 'cound not get flickr photoid from the URL, can\'t continue' % locals()) else: photoid ="photoid") if not photoid: return "Could not get photoId" try: response = requests.get( url="", params={ "method": "", "photo_id": photoid, "format": "json", "nojsoncallback": "1", }, auth=self.auth, ) except requests.exceptions.RequestException: print('HTTP Request failed') data = response.json() images = {} for image in data["sizes"]["size"]: images[image["width"]] = image["source"] if image["label"].lower() == "original": images["original"] = image["source"] try: response = requests.get( url="", params={ "method": "", "photo_id": photoid, "format": "json", "nojsoncallback": "1", }, auth=self.auth, ) except requests.exceptions.RequestException: print('HTTP Request failed') data = response.json() title = data["photo"]["title"]["_content"] desc = data["photo"]["description"]["_content"] photoId = data["photo"]["id"]'completed the ``get_photo_metadata`` method') return images, title, desc, photoId
[docs] def md( self, url, width="original"): """*generate a multimarkdown image link viewable anywhere (no sign-in needed for private photos)* **Key Arguments:** - ``url`` -- the share URL for the flickr image (or just the unique photoid) - ``width`` -- the pixel width of the fully resolved image. Default *original*. [75, 100, 150, 240, 320, 500, 640, 800, 1024, 1600, 2048] **Return:** - ``md`` -- the image reference link in multi-markdown syntax **Usage:** To return the markdown markup for an image at a given Flickr share URL: .. code-block:: python from picaxe import picaxe Flickr = picaxe( log=log, settings=settings ) mdLink = url="" width=1024 ) """'starting the ``md_image`` method') images, title, desc, photoId = self.get_photo_metadata(url) if len(title) == 0: tag = photoId else: tag = "%(title)s %(photoId)s" % locals() image = images[str(width)] if width == "original": pxWidth = 1024 else: pxWidth = width md = """![%(title)s][%(tag)s] [%(tag)s]: %(image)s title="%(title)s" width=600px """ % locals()'completed the ``md_image`` method') return md
[docs] def upload( self, imagePath, title=False, private=True, tags=False, description=False, imageType="photo", album=False, openInBrowser=False): """*upload* **Key Arguments:** - ``imagePath`` -- path to the image to upload - ``title`` -- title of the image. Default **False** to just use filename - ``private`` -- is photo private?, Default **True** - ``tags`` -- a comma separated string. Default **False** - ``description`` -- the description for the image/photo. Default **False** - ``imageType`` -- image type. Default **photo** [photo|screengrab|image] - ``album`` -- add the photo to a specific album/photoset. If the album does not exist it will be created for you. Default *False*. - ``openInBrowser`` -- view the photo in flickr webapp once uploaded *Default: False* **Return:** - ``photoid`` -- the unique flickr-assigned ID of the uploaded image **Usage:** To upload an image to flickr from your local file-system, use the following: .. code-block:: python from picaxe import picaxe flickr = picaxe( log=log, settings=settings ) photoid = flickr.upload( imagePath="/path/to/image.png", title="my lovely image", private=False, tags="lovely, icon", description="this is a test image", imageType="image", album="my icons", openInBrowser=True ) print photoid This will upload an image to the "my icons" album (creating the album if it doens't exist yet) and open the image in the flickr web-app whenever upload is complete. Note title, description, tags and album are optional. """'starting the ``upload`` method') basename = os.path.basename(imagePath) basename = os.path.splitext(basename)[0] if title == False or title == None: title = basename if private == True: is_public = 0 else: is_public = 1 if imageType == "image": content_type = 3 elif imageType == "screengrab": content_type = 2 else: content_type = 1 if tags is not False and tags != None: tags = tags.replace(",", " ").replace(" ", " ") else: tags = "" if description == False or description == None: description = "" files = { 'photo': (basename, open(imagePath)) } params = { "title": title, "description": description, "tags": tags, "is_public": is_public, "content_type": content_type, "format": "json" } url = '' raw = requests.Request('POST', url, data=params, auth=self.auth) prepared = raw.prepare() headers = {'Authorization': prepared.headers.get('Authorization')} try: response = url=url, data=params, headers=headers, files=files ) except requests.exceptions.RequestException: print('HTTP Request failed') matchObject = r"<photoid>(\d*)</photoid>", response.content, re.S) photoid = photoURL = "" + \ self.settings["flickr"]["user_nsid"] + "/" + photoid if album: self._add_photo_to_album( photoId=photoid, album=album ) if openInBrowser: ## open in webbrowser import webbrowser webbrowser.open_new_tab(photoURL)'completed the ``upload`` method') return photoid
[docs] def list_album_titles( self): """*list all of the albums (photosets) in the Flickr account* **Return:** - ``albumList`` -- the list of album names **Usage:** .. code-block:: python from picaxe import picaxe flickr = picaxe( log=log, settings=settings ) albumList = flickr.list_album_titles() and, if you print the list of albums: .. code-block:: text [u'Auto Upload', u'home movies', u'projects: thespacedoctor', u'notes: images and screengrabs'] """'starting the ``list_album_titles`` method') albumList = [] try: response = requests.get( url="", params={ "method": "flickr.photosets.getList", "format": "json", "nojsoncallback": "1", }, auth=self.auth, ) except requests.exceptions.RequestException: print('HTTP Request failed') albumList = [] albumList[:] = [i["title"]["_content"] for i in response.json()["photosets"]["photoset"]]'completed the ``list_album_titles`` method') return albumList
# use the tab-trigger below for new method def _add_photo_to_album( self, photoId, album): """*add a photo with the given photo ID to a named album* **Key Arguments:** - ``photoId`` -- the ID of the photo to add to the album - ``album`` -- the name of the album to add the photo to **Return:** - None **Usage:** .. todo:: - add usage info - create a sublime snippet for usage - update package tutorial if needed .. code-block:: python usage code """'starting the ``_add_photo_to_album`` method') try: response = requests.get( url="", params={ "method": "flickr.photosets.getList", "format": "json", "nojsoncallback": "1", }, auth=self.auth, ) except requests.exceptions.RequestException: print('HTTP Request failed') albumId = False for s in response.json()["photosets"]["photoset"]: if s["title"]["_content"].lower().strip() == album.strip(): albumId = s["id"] if albumId: try: response = url="", params={ "method": "flickr.photosets.addPhoto", "photoset_id": albumId, "photo_id": photoId, "format": "json", "nojsoncallback": "1", }, auth=self.auth, ) except requests.exceptions.RequestException: print('HTTP Request failed') else: try: response = url="", params={ "method": "flickr.photosets.create", "title": album, "primary_photo_id": photoId, "format": "json", "nojsoncallback": "1", }, auth=self.auth, ) except requests.exceptions.RequestException: print('HTTP Request failed')'completed the ``_add_photo_to_album`` method') return None
# use the tab-trigger below for new method # xt-class-method